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Relief for Late Portability Election 17-34

Each taxpayer is allowed - for federal gift, estate, and Generation Skipping Tax purposes - an exemption of $5,490,000 (for 20017 - the amount adjusts annually). For decedents' estates who do not take full advantage of the exemption, the IRS Code allows - for gift and estate tax, but not for Generation Skipping Tax - any unused exemption to be "ported" to the decedent's surviving spouse.

This "portability" must be elected by the estate of the first spouse to die on a timely filed federal estate tax return.

The IRS, in Revenue Procedure 2017-34, had announced that it will allow - for estates of certain decedents that are not otherwise required to file a federal estate tax return - the election to be made on a late filed return, provided the return is filed by the later of January 2, 2018 or the second anniversary of the decedents death.

Relief is not available in all cases - the IRS pronouncement must be carefully reviewed to ensure compliance - but provides welcome relief at low cost compared to the prior procedure.

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